Meet Kasia—Wife, homeschool mom of 3, parenting coach, accountant, health coach…and joy to know!

It’s my absolute honor to introduce you to a stunning woman of God, Kasia Norris! Kasia’s passion for her faith, family, outreach, and loving everyone around her is contagious, and she juggles many roles so well. She is Kingdom-focused and such a blessing to know! She lives in Tampa Bay with her husband Ryan and three beautiful young children.

1. Share your Jesus story, your heart & passions, your inspiration for what you do, whatever God lays on your heart.

I LOVE JESUS! I would shout it from the mountaintops. But, it wasn’t always like that. I grew up Catholic and my family went to church on Sundays. I’m thankful to have had that foundation, but I did not accept Jesus as my Savior until high school.

I learned about a personal relationship with Christ on a retreat called Chrysalis. I was on FIRE! Unfortunately, I didn’t have the consistent support to grow in my relationship with Him, so I wavered A LOT. I always knew He was there though, just waiting for me to come into full submission.

This process started happening in my late 20’s when I got connected in a non-denominational church and a small group. That’s where my heart really started to change.

It wasn’t overnight. It was gradual. But little by little, the Lord transformed my heart. I went from a very broken and hurting woman to a woman who lives in complete FREEDOM today.

“My heart is to show love through hospitality and grace for others. I also have a passion for women who have walked through abortion and are looking for complete healing. I LOVE my family and pouring into them, along with pouring into other families what we have learned!”

I also work full-time at one of the largest accounting firms and started a workplace devotional group in February of 2020. It’s what I’m most passionate about in my corporate job. God has done AMAZING things through the group. It’s called Grace & Faith Wellness after the middle names of my girls. I’m humbled that He would call me to lead it.

Lastly, I love exercising and like to teach virtual workout classes. Anyone who comes to my class also ends up on my weekly prayer list :) 

2. Share your passion for parenting, homeschooling, parent coaching, & Ryan's parenting book etc.

Never in a million year did I think I would homeschool. That’s what teachers are for, right?! Well, my heart completely changed when I saw what was happening in our current school system. My mama heart just couldn’t let my kids leave the house & be influenced by that. I’m just so thankful that I have the opportunity to homeschool as I work from home & my husband is currently in grad school so we are able to tag team it! 

Speaking of my husband… he is awesome! He just wrote a parenting book, and we are working on edits and getting it published now. Can’t wait to share more on that! You can follow us on Facebook at The Empowered Parent. The Lord is really calling us to make an impact in families for His kingdom.

3. Ways you've incorporated your faith into parenting. You can share about leading a home group, serving your neighbors, when y’all sent cards to that assisted living facility that got featured in the news :)

We try to lead by example when it comes to incorporating our faith in parenting. We get in the Word daily WITH our kids. Our go-to for any situation is prayer. We humble ourselves, show what forgiveness looks like. Basically, our goal is to model what our Heavenly Father looks like. Trust me, we don’t always get it right!! But, we take one day at a time & do our very best.

We want to be authentic and transparent with our kids. We talk about how to show love to our neighbors. One way we did that was through sending encouraging pictures to the elderly when Covid first hit. Read Deuteronomy 6: 5-9 for more on this.

4. How can women follow in your footsteps and start their passion project or serve while parenting? What are practical steps they can take and ways to connect with people who can help?

I would just say to follow the Lord’s leading. Move when He says to. Wait when He says to. Know that He will bless your efforts. Take one day at a time. Practice thankfulness because it activates peace. Run each decision under the light of God’s word. Surround yourself with a community that will build you up and pray with you. 

5. How can women best support what YOU are doing? 

Prayer is much appreciated. God is calling my husband and I to connect with families, and our goal is to be parent coaches. This requires certain training.

I’m also in the beginning process of building a new App. It could have a huge impact in the Kingdom, and I’m really excited about it. I am also looking to raise funds for this venture

6. What else do you want to share with women about how they can make a difference? Encouragement, your inspiration, Scriptures, anything!

Never stop growing in your walk with Christ. Humble yourself to learn from your mistakes. LISTEN to the Holy Spirit when He prompts you, and be encouraged that He will provide for every need. 

7. Do you want women to contact you? Links to your social media/website/etc.

Sure, I’d love it! You can find me on Facebook and Instagram at Kasia Norris or The Empowered Parent:


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