Celebrate what God sees in her ♥

We created Luminous to share God’s heart for women and encourage them to glorify God, not pursue vanity!

Today’s women are having an identity crisis. Do you agree?

Godly women of all ages are searching for affirmation and purpose, not in our Creator but in the world around us and asking questions like:

What makes me valuable? • Why am I here? • What purpose were women made for?

Many Christian women are taking these defining questions of our worth, value, and identity to the wrong place. Searching for meaning in other people is a backwards goal because we begin building our life on human priorities, not God’s. No wonder many women find themselves confused about their life and goals—because they’re following the world’s lead instead of leading it!

How did we get here?

Our social media-centric world makes it easy for popular opinion to outweigh His voice and shift our focus to things like our:

  • Appearance

  • Social status / likes

  • Career / accomplishments

  • Money / things

When we focus on these things, we 1) begin trying to please people instead of God, 2) waste precious time climbing the wrong ladder to success, 2) seek our own glory instead of His, and 3) miss our whole purpose—drawing people to Him, not ourselves.

Our homes, resumes, social media following, and looks won’t be talked about when we’re gone—and won’t be what God rewards us for in heaven! Our faithfulness to Him will, so why live for anything less?!

Jesus changed the world without ANY of the above. We don’t need worldly success to make a difference, we must simply pursue His Kingdom and priorities, and true success will follow.

How do we fix it?

1) Discover our God-given purpose.

Ask yourself, Am I chasing godly success or this world’s? Whose applause do I seek? He created us, so let’s take our most important questions to Him! Father, what do YOU value most in us? What did You create me to do, who should I serve, and what role do I fill?

God wants our lives to outlive us and to brighten our corner of the world with the knowledge of Him wherever we go, so we must begin living for a cause greater than temporary glory. ONLY this pursuit will reap great rewards in this life and the next… so will we allow Him to shape our lives, or will we allow everyone else to?

2) Encourage godliness in each other.

We believe Christian women struggle to pursue godly lives because few seem to notice or care when they do!

Our mission is to see this change! Godly women need to know they’re making a difference where they’re at (no outside career or big platform required). When we affirm their daily contributions, it drowns out the enemy’s lies in their heart and encourages them to keep going.

When women begin allowing God to define us, we are free to focus on:

  1. Our relationship with the Lord and pleasing Him only!

  2. Loving our family and community well ♥

  3. Cultivating a beautiful heart and character

  4. Living for eternal success!

Starting today, let’s remind the incredible women in our lives that their love and service for their family, community, and church are SEEN, valued, and making an impact! They desperately need to hear that lives are being touched and changed through their beautiful example of godliness in action.

When we begin affirming what God sees in other women, they will be encouraged to keep going and remember what it means to live a truly beautiful life: One that outlasts ourselves and makes an eternal difference! ♥

“Let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds.”

— Hebrews 10


We aspire to

  • Honor women for their beautiful contributions to the world

  • Highlight godliness in women and promote their causes

  • Encourage ladies to connect, collaborate, and support each other

  • Inspire us to live on mission—pursuing God and blessing our communities

  • Give girls Jesus-like role models to emulate


“Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.”

— 1 Peter 3