Word for 2023: Renew your JOY!

“This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” —Psalm 118:24

As I spent time in prayer at the very beginning of this new year, I kept asking the Lord (as I like to do), What is my word for this year? What would You have me focus on in 2023?

It took a couple weeks or so to feel like I got a clear answer. Words like refresh… energize… presence or being present resonated with me but didn’t quite capture what was on my heart for this new year.

Eventually it became clear—Enjoy. Joy! These words touched my heart and spoke to me deeply.

Yes, that’s exactly what I need this year, I thought. The Lord always knows what we need more than we do!

Our Story

The past 7 months, my focus has been on one primary thing: Our new baby growing inside of me and preparing for her arrival (this month!). This little miracle—a baby we’ve hoped and prayed and longed for since our firstborn Abigail was 1.5 years old (and who’s now 6!)—has been center stage in my thoughts, daily work, and focus.

I’ve been purging what feels like nearly everything we own, going through all our old baby stuff, researching and buying needed items (so much has changed in 6+ years!), decorating, organizing, and growing this little life for more than half a year… and working hard to do so.

I’ve wanted everything to be ready when she arrives to minimize our stress, but along the way I’ve stressed myself and my family out with all the preparations that come with planning for a new human to enter your home!

Re-finding Joy in Motherhood

As Moms, prioritizing ourselves and what we love can be a challenge in the day-to-day of so many needs. Do you agree? It seems we constantly have to-do’s pulling on us and demanding we pay them attention right away: Our kids’ needs, homes, husbands, extended family/friends, bills, people in need, volunteering, outside work, and our own health & well-being.

In motherhood, our passions and hobbies may seem like a distant memory of a life no longer accessible to us. But we must ask ourselves: Did God call us to lay down everything we love and enjoy for our families—or is it possible we’ve bought into a cultural/self-induced lie that says “The more we give up, the better moms we are”?

Of course, family involves sacrifice and plenty of it. There’s no denying that! Simply carrying a baby for 9 months, birthing them, and training them up in his/her early years is an incredible investment of our time, body, energy, and beyond.

But I truly believe the Lord doesn’t want us to lose ourselves along the way of building up our families. After all, if we are always running on fumes, we aren’t able to love them well, give as much, or help outside the 4 walls of our homes the way God intended because we’ll have no gas left in our tanks. We also won’t have the best attitudes and serve joyfully because we’ll have relinquished our own daily joys for everyone else’s.

And lastly, we won’t be setting the best example for our children. God doesn’t call us to be daily martyrs of all we love in our pursuit of excellence in motherhood. Yes, we take up our cross and deny ourselves… but that doesn’t mean denying our every joy, hobby, and gifting. After all, He’s placed those things within us for a reason: to be used!

Yes, this is a hard balance to maintain. I’m not even sure balance is the goal because in each season of family-rearing, it seems we must prioritize some things over others. A ball always seems to need dropping if we are to do our core work well. But that ball cannot be ourselves! We are God’s precious possession, and He didn’t ask us to give away so much of ourselves that we don’t have anything left to refill our cups or give back to Him. As mamas & caretakers of others, we need replenishing regularly!

So Mamas, no matter how our families grow over the years, we still need:

  • Sleep, rest, and downtime

  • Good nutrition/meals and exercise

  • Healthy social time with ‘our people’: Family, friends, and community

  • Life-giving hobbies—maybe in early mornings/after bedtime, during school hours, or when Dad’s home from work

  • Quiet time with God daily (If Jesus did this in spite of thousands pressuring Him, I think we can, too!).

We also need more JOY in our daily lives! This is something I’ve sorely overlooked, and my need for it has become SO apparent this past year. Living like a machine instead of enjoying the journey has shown in my heart and attitude.

I’ve conditioned myself to believe that joy is something for the rest of my family, not me. After all, someone has to be the behind-the-scenes “joy maker” right? Christmas ‘magic’ doesn’t just make itself! And that often means surrendering my own needs, wishes, and plans for a season in favor of my child’s. Cue mommy burnout that happens every holiday season, as we try to do all the things, attend all the parties, and thoughtfully pick out all the gifts for all our loved ones.

But this mentality has made me a less-than-fun person to live with. Anyone else? Likely because I’ve short~circuited my own joy so often in favor of never-ending to-do’s (especially as an 8 month pregnant woman) that having fun hasn’t been a priority. Joy has fallen by the wayside because I told myself there’s no time for that.

A Joy Reset

I wonder if other women can relate. Do you need a joy reset, too?

Do you think a godly woman’s life must mean a grueling schedule, constant sacrifice, monotony, joyless tasks, and unpleasant things to check off your list? How many of us mamas have fallen into this trap?!

Many Scriptures talk about joy and its importance in our Christian life. Here are some things God has to say about the role of joy in our lives:

“… the joy of the Lord is your strength.” —Nehemiah 8:10

This passage shows Jesus’ determination in the midst of His greatest trial (& the source of His strength to overcome!):

“… fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” —Hebrews 12:2

When we lack joy and view life as an endless litany of tasks, we miss out on God’s presence with us! And we fail to be present with those He wants us to serve and love.

Even when circumstances are unpleasant or tasks mundane, we can find joy due to His nearness—something the Psalmist calls ‘fullness of joy’. I don’t wanna miss that this year, do you?

“You make known to me the path of life; in Your presence there is fullness of joy; at Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” —Psalm 16:11

So let’s do our best to make 2023 a year to remember, not because we ‘get so much done’ but because we actually enjoy our year and stay present, engaged, and joyful—with our families, with God, and with the people He places in our path each day.


In need of new mercies today?


Saying goodbye to the ‘little years’