Winning your children’s hearts

Motherhood. Such a simple word for the life-changing, beautiful, challenging-and-bringing-you-to-your-knees mission that is raising children.

Women have been given the immense privilege of creating new life and raising children up in the fear of the Lord! But wow, what a mission—right?!

One concern facing us Christian mamas is how to ensure our kids keep walking with the Lord. How can we encourage them to embrace the healthy limits set by God’s word?

We love this quote taken from an article by Dr. Mike Higgins, Director of Hope Children’s Home in Florida:

“The seed of our children is their heart. We can put much effort into making sure our children behave on the outside, but if their heart is not dealt with it will be to no avail.

Proverbs 4:23 teaches us, 'Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.' Any issues your child may be having come from the heart.

Don't just correct your child when needed. Use that time to teach them biblical principles related to their misbehavior. By doing this you will actually get to the root of the issue...their heart.

Discipline without relationship always yields rebellion. There is a big difference between our children being obedient & being obedient with the right heart attitude... One may do what is required, yet another will go the extra mile. The difference is whether their heart is in it or not.”


Meet Kinsey—Women’s leader, community creator, mama, and mentor!


Meet Elissa—Pastor’s wife, mama, interior designer, and writer!