Meet Kinsey—Women’s leader, community creator, mama, and mentor!


To know Kinsey is to love her. Ask anyone. She is a joy to be around, one of the most incredibly thoughtful people I know, so hospitable, and genuinely caring about everyone in her circle. She exudes the love of God every day!

I feel honored to call her one of my closest friends and a person I love spending many hours talking with (and we try! haha). She is always reaching out to people and connecting them to others and to resources that will help them. I am so happy to introduce you to her today.

Kinsey is a wonderful wife, mama of 2 little ones, former rockstar hospitality leader then childcare coordinator at Radiant Church Tampa Bay, small group leader, and a beautiful person who is very invested in her community and continuously blessing her neighbors.

She is always helping others: Cooking a meal for someone, celebrating a friend’s baby or milestone, praying for others, giving, hosting and organizing get togethers, and making our world better in a myriad of ways. Here is her interview:

Kinsey—Can you share your Jesus story, your passion, and why you serve?

My parents raised me in a wonderful Christian home. I am 1 of 6 children; 4 girls and 2 boys. In my Christian school chapel, I raised my hand to follow Jesus at age 5 but it was not fully my own faith until the Lord captured my heart (in the best way) when I was 16 years old. I was on a mission trip to Managua, Nicaragua. Before the trip we prayed and fasted for months. We wanted to see God move! We saw so many people healed by God's miraculous power and went to remote villages to share with them about Jesus. This is the week my life changed FOREVER. God moved in ways I had never seen before in the USA and I radically changed my life to forever, boldly follow Him.

My passion is all things people + tasks. I like to think I have a good balance of both, but of course I always strive to improve. I LOVE to be with people and also like to get stuff DONE. God has made it evident that these are two strong skills He has gifted me with and wants me to use to further His Kingdom.

On a practical level, how do you bless your family, community and church?


I currently serve with I Matter Too as a volunteer mentor for a 13-year old girl in foster care. I'd like to say I came to inspire, encourage, and lead her to Jesus—but getting to meet with her weekly has been so much more. Sharing Jesus with her has been an incredible experience for me!

It makes me think of the verse in Proverbs 11:25, "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."

Share some highlights from serving and leading!

One of my favorite ways to serve at Radiant is leading small groups. My husband and I always plan to "give" but end up receiving so much more! Community is what God created us for, and He didn't put us in the world to serve Him on our own. We are so much better together.

One of my favorite memories is leading a group of young moms and seeing their relationships with each other and Jesus blossom. Discussions and insights shared made each lady know we were NOT alone in both the mountain tops and valleys of motherhood. What a beautiful picture of God using others to encourage and uplift his people!

How can women do what you do and make a similar difference?

The biggest need at almost any church is in kids ministry. It's the area shortest on volunteers, the area with the most turnover. We need others to serve and pour into the next generation!

The best way to make a difference is to simply ask. Ask God what He may have YOU do. May the Holy Spirit make it so clear!

Wow, Kinsey, thank you for sharing your story with us!

Kinsey is someone who makes you want to be a better person, friend, wife, mom, and neighbor. She is a true joy and inspiration to everyone who knows her (and is so humble about it)!

Kinsey, thank you for sharing your beautiful story with us. We are so encouraged by you and your example!


Meet Stacia—Non-profit founder, adoptive mama, and worship leader!


Winning your children’s hearts